1. ACAI BERRIES - have the highest rating on the ORAC scale of any fruit discovered today. The acai berry comes from the Amazon rain forest of Brazil, and is one of the World’s super foods according to Dr. Nicholas Perricone. The acai berry has been touted on the Oprah Winfrey show and is the main ingredient of MonaVie. The berry even contains the protein profile similar to an egg. The berry has been shown to kill cancer cells in a University of Florida study.
2. CRANBERRIES - are commonly recommended by doctors for urinary tract infections. Cranberries are also a source of vitamin C and are by far the most abundant source of anthocyanidin.
3. CAMU-CAMU - is a fruit essentially unknown in the United States, but is full of vitamin C. The camu-camu has 30 to 60 times as much vitamin C as the same amount of citrus fruit.
4. PEARS - are packed with a variety of nutrients, potassium, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. Research shows that pears may help normalize blood sugar and boost metabolism.
5. WOLFBERRY - provides 18 amino acids and 21 trace minerals. Wolfberry has also been suggested to inhibit the spread of certain types of liver cancer cells.
6. POMEGRANATE - is one of the most highly prized fruits for nutritional purposes. Pomegranate juice is one of nature’s most powerful antioxidants containing high levels of polyphenols.
7. PRUNES - are widely known to contribute to bowel cleansing and regularity. Research from Oklahoma State University and Florida State University shows that prunes may prevent and/or reverse bone loss due to menopause.
8. NASHI PEARS - are known for high levels of dietary fiber and are useful in treating constipation, digestive, and urinary problems.
9. ACEROLA CHERRIES - contain over 150 known phytonutrients. The cherry has been used to treat dysentery and recent research shows anti-inflammatory properties.
10. PASSION FRUIT - is rich in vitamin C, potassium, and other minerals. Traditional medicine has used the Passion fruit to treat urinary tract infections. A University of Florida study conducted in 2004 found an extract from the juice reduced cancer in cell culture.
11. BILBERRIES - are historically known to aid in eye health and reduce or reverse the effects of age related macular degeneration. Bilberries are also suspected to help prevent eye diabetes related eye disorders.
12. KIWI FRUIT - is a rich source of vitamin E, vitamin A, and vitamin C. Kiwi fruit is suspected to aid in cardiovascular conditions and cancer prevention in three studies.
13. BLUEBERRIES - are one of the most readily available and highest-ranking fruits on the ORAC (oxygen radical absorption capacity) scale. Blueberries contain high levels anthocyanins and are responsible in part for keeping us young, healthy, and smart. At the 2007 2nd International Symposium on Berry Health Benefits, research was presented showing that anthocyanins promote higher HDL cholesterol, inhibit oxidation of LDL cholesterol, neutralize oxygen radicals, and in laboratory test inhibit progression of tumor cells.
14. LYCHEE FRUIT - contains more vitamin C than most citrus fruit and has potassium levels close to a banana. The lychee fruit also has a very low sugar content.
15. ARONIA BERRIES - contain high levels of proanthocyanidin and quinic acid. The berries contain the highest levels of proanthocyanidin found in any plant measured so far. These two components in the berry are known to fight urinary tract infections and have recently had research conducted for protection against colon cancer.
16. PURPLE / RED GRAPES - have an extremely high level of resveratrol(a highly touted antioxidant found in red wine). Resveratrol is essentially a plant’s natural defense against bacterial and fungal infection. By ingesting foods with these natural defenses, we obtain some of the same natural defenses.
17. BANANAS - are famous for their potassium content. They are also rich in vitamin B6, magnesium, vitamin C, and fiber. Potassium is an essential electrolyte that is used in our bodies to help with muscle contractions and correct nervous system functioning.
18. APRICOTS - provide a wide array of antioxidants, fiber, potassium, vitamin C, and beta-carotene. Apricots have been used to contribute to the overall health and protection of the eye and heart. A diet high in fiber has been known to steady blood sugar levels and promote regularity.
19. WHITE GRAPES - are a great source of antioxidants, vitamin C, and dietary fiber. White grapes contain polyphenols, a protective antioxidant linked to maintaining a healthy heart.
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